Issue: Clip edit throws error for a meeting and has the incorrect/jumping start time than the scheduled start time.


Scenario: This issue could be seen more likely in the case where the VOD is associated manually in the Harmony. In this case, as the VOD is just associated with the Harmony via editing the playback URL. However, the Harmony DB might not have proper relationship mappings in the DB especially corresponding to the meeting's starttime and endtime.

Troubleshooting steps:

1) Verify the clip edit logs located at C:\ProgramData\Sliq]Clipedit\log and the logs should indicate error messages related to start time being invalid (which clearly refers to the value set (meeting start time) in the MediaTimePoint being incorrect).

start time is invalid

2) Verify if the contententity has correct start and end datetime.

2) Verify if the content table's MediaTimePoint column has the proper date/start time for the meeting.

**3) The MediaTImePoint column should either have the value NULL or the correct start time for the meeting's contententityid. In the scenario below the actual meeting started at 12:00 however the starttime value was 19:00 so the value needed to be updated.

Resolution: Once the MediaTimePoint value is updated to the appropriate datetime the playaback timeline should not jump as well the clip error should be fixed.