The goal of this article is to give a breakdown of the steps to be able to troubleshoot a live stream issue.
Use of the Edge browser is preferred.
Take copious notes, images and video of the steps you are taking.
Navigate to the website and open the problem meeting.
Customer meeting
Press F12 to open the Developer Tools window
Important settings
It is important to make sure the Preserve log and Disable cache are checked.
Network tab
There are 3 important aspects to the Network tab;
Status - quickly indicates the HTTP code, as can be seen below error codes will show in red.
Size - This indicates the size of the data packet being transferred.
Time - This is the time it takes the packet to be downloaded.
All of these piece paint a picture of whether the browser is pulling down the video stream and how quickly.
The time for a packet of media or "TS file" can be seen in the image below, generally Sliq video files contain 10 seconds of video and should downloaded in a maximum of 2-3 seconds. Anything more can cause buffering of the video and or loss of video signal.
Important fragments
Once you click on a data fragment you should be able to see the response header, if not you should click on "Response" tab.
The .ts files should be coming in sequentially and with good timing, some examples of problems
Looping - Same TS file coming in, no change to the numerical sequence. - This can be caused by the system not refreshing the playlist.m3u8 file.
Latency - TS file is coming in but slowly, taking more than 2-3 seconds. - This can be caused by an upstream issue where the stream is not being made available to the player OR an internal bandwidth issue where the player cannot access the internet and get another chunk.