In order to quickly and easily create meetings you can create Meeting Templates in the Administration section.

The user who wants to create Meeting Templates must be have the correct privileges.

In the left menu click on Administrate

In the left menu click on Meeting Templates

You will be presented with the current Meeting Templates.

Click on the Add icon

You can then name the "committee" or template, as well as chose its defaults venue and Title.

The Venue and Title will be changeable at the time of meeting creation but the defaults will autofill when you make a meeting with this template.

You can also add other information and specific contact info and thumbnail for each meeting template.

This can be useful to differentiate the look of the meetings when there are more than one going on at the same time or provide specific contact information for a type of meeting.

*NOTE: Be sure to add the value to Thumbnail URL of so you don't get a broken thumbnail image.

Copy this 


You must also choose one or multiple Categories for the meeting, this will help when users are using the Filter to see specific meetings.

Once all the fields are filled in you can then click Save